
Dating Site  Focus - Our Review of OKcupid.com

The world of dating has changed a lot in the last 20 years, as the internet has transformed how things are done. Once upon a time, you had to go out into the world to find love and romance, but the emergence of the online dating site has made hooking up a stress-free and convenient experience. It's led to many new platforms appearing.

Naturally, you want the best dating portal UK  adults can get, but the sheer amount of choice available can make the decision about which site to use tricky. However, it's much easier with a bit of inside knowledge, and that's what we provide with the reviews our team carries out. Today, we look at a popular option known simply as OKcupid .

What Our Team Found at OKcupid.com 

dating portal UK

Okcupid is a dating site  for people in their 20s and 30s, which is evident straight away through its hip and trendy look. It's one that uses a clever algorithm that matches you up to other like-minded people who share the same values and interests. Signing up is long and a bit of a pain, but it's worth it, as it's all about finding the right person.

It's a dating portal UK  millennials use a lot, and it's free to get started and have a good look around. Catering for all kinds of people, from straight to gay to gender-fluid, it gives you the option to look for short-term dating, hookups, non-monogamist relationships and even simple friendships. It has a nice free app that makes using the site's services a pleasure.

What You Get With Paid Membership


You'll have to pay to use the site fully, and there are a number of ways to do it. You can opt for a subscription, which allows you to see who likes you and other basics like getting unlimited likes. Other options include the SuperBoost, which involves showing your profile to more people for a set period, which can seriously boost your chances of success.

You can send and receive messages as a free member, but you'll have to put up with ads popping up every few minutes - which can get annoying. It's a big incentive to become a paying member of Okcupid. All in all, however, if you're a Millennial, we think you'll adore this dating site , as it's packed with features that cater to this age group.

What We Didn't Like About Okcupid.com 


We loved what we found on this dating site , but we have to reiterate how annoying those pop-up ads get. All the more reason to become a paying member, as that's where all the best features are. Sure, if you're looking to save money, you can stay as a free member, but it's something you'll have to get used to until you're ready to sign up fully.

Another minor issue was that the site doesn't offer video chat- a feature we've liked on other platforms. That said, this doesn't stop it from being a great dating portal UK millennials can log onto and get all the hookups, flings and long-term relationships their hearts desire. As such, it's difficult to think of a reason not to try it out.

We Loved Okcupid & Think You Will Too

So, to conclude, Okcupid.com  is a nicely-presented dating site  that's geared towards people in their 20s and 30s and offers lots of great features. It's possible to use for free (with ads), and the app provides a smooth experience that we love - something that we think you'll agree with if you're in this age group and like meeting new people for all sorts of reasons.

The lack of video chat as a feature might put some people off, but we don't think it should, as you still have all the opportunities you need to find what you're looking for. If you're a bit more advanced in years, it might not be for you, but for hipsters and young people everywhere, it's a platform that we'd heartily recommend.

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